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Chip Douglas
of the Year Award


The Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame is proud to announce the 2023 Chip Douglas Wrestler of the Year Award. Vic Douglas. Being new to the business Vic has taken advantage of any ring time he can get with PWP, NLW, and MWA. Learning the craft through training seminars, asking questions and listening. He's a sponge for knowledge, "I'm willing to talk with anyone that would give me advice or tips.".

In his young career he's wrestled for PWP Live, NLW, MWA, TAPW and EWA. While also working as a referee for PWP Live and NLW. His favorite times in the ring is being able to work with veterans. Pat Powers, Moonshine Russell, Jack Darling, Con Artiest, Joey Daniels, Brian Blade, Brandon Nytroe, Kyle King, Shawn Hernandez and Omar Pachecco.
"My early highlights include my first match. The fact I actually got to live out my dream. Winning the PWP Live Tag Titles with Luke Luna and a very brief time with Pat Powers. Winning the OcomicCon Pop Culture Title. Working with guys I watched on TV like Shawn Hernandez, Dave Sullivan, the Beer city Bruiser and James Storm.", he continued, "Winning this award, it really makes me feel like I'm welcome and I belong in the pro wrestling business.".

His goals for his career are simple yet driven, "just keep working in the business for as long as I can. I got started late (age 37). Learn as much as I can and help anyone I can. I've met a lot of awesome people and had great times. Not ready for this to end any time soon."
On behalf of the Nebraska Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame we congratulate Vic Douglas on the award.

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